July 19th, 2015

How to Throw a Tailgate Party

How to Throw a Tailgate Party El Paso "Thinking about throwing a tailgate party? Preparing for this type of high-energy event will require you to make a list of things-to-do. Throwing a tailgate party is a simple process of just making a simple plan and a small list."

So you've decided to throw a tailgate party and you're wondering how to get started. We have a few tips on how to prepare and get started on a solid plan that will ensure that your party will be a success. Making a list is a good start, as preparing for this type of high-energy event will require you to make a small list of basic tailgate items that include:

  • grillable foods
  • tables/chairs
  • plates, bowls, cups and utensils
  • coolers
  • banners and other party items that are branded with your favorite team logo
  • cleaning supplies such as paper towels, wet wipes and trash bags

Tailgate Layout & Preparation

You'll want to set up your party layout so that your tailgating participants will feel like they're at a genuine tailgating event. Laying out everything on the tailgate of a truck is the traditional choice, however, some folks just set up outside their car with lawn chairs centered evenly around a small standing grill. Just make sure to have enough room to move around and celebrate freely.


A tailgate party doesn't have to involve a large group of people. No, just a few of your close friends or co-workers is all it takes to make some noise. Sending out invitations can involve nothing more than asking some people that you know who are going to the game and asking them to show up a little early for some pre-game fun. Ask them to donate their favorite food or drink, and of course, make sure they support the same team that you do!


A vehicle with a sound system will add extra entertainment value to your tailgate party. Having a vehicle with an open rear hatch helps to allow for your sound system to come through the backend clearly. A sound system will give your party-goers a way to listen to some pre-game hype on a popular AM talk show. KROD ESPN might be a good choice, and can be found at 600 on the AM dial. Even a small portable radio will do the trick.


Make sure that you treat your party-goers with a fun and tasty cuisine, and one that includes more than just the plain ole "hotdog-with-mustard" routine. Try recipes that include traditional grillables that are known for popular combinations – burgers with fries, hotdogs with baked beans, sausage with kraut. Remember, if it’s cold, you’ll want plenty of hot items,. and if it’s hot, serve plenty of cold items. For some good economical ideas that are sure to make your party a smash, go here: pennies for parties »

For a little extra fun..

Before we conclude the list of things to do, consider some off-the-wall, out-of-the-ordinary ways to exhibit your team spirit. Try some NFL branded games, contests, give-a-ways, face painting etc.

Follow Up

If you sponsor tailgating events on a regular basis, you'll want to follow up with all your tailgating participants so that they'll know about future tailgate parties. The best way to do that is to gather contact information from all your guests during your party. It's as easy as setting out a clipboard on a table where everyone can see it, and asking them to sign it with their contact information. Get their first name, email and/or twitter address.

Building this list will include not just your tailgating participants, but also guests, friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members. Your next step is to design a newsletter so that you can keep everyone up-to-date with all the event details, including the date, time and location of your next tailgate party event. Here are some suggestions:

  • Have your friends and guests fill out a short sign-in sheet at the beginning or end of each of your yearly tailgating events. The sign-in sheet should be on a clipboard with a pencil attached to a string. Make sure the clipboard is on a table where it can be easily seen by everyone.
  • Make sure that they fill in their primary information including name, email and Twitter handle.
  • Purchase a newsletter software program that will enable you to formulate a newsletter that you can easily update.
  • Type in all the emails into the program that you gathered from your sign-in sheet and send them the newsletter.
  • Use their Twitter handle to send either direct Twitter messages or mass Tweets to everyone at once.

That's it!.. You're done, and now everyone knows about the details of your next tailgate party!

"Happy Tailgating!"

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